
Monday, February 2, 2009

Who Are These Devils?

Now that the Gaza-Israel conflict is off the front page and the media is on to something else...the truth is starting to come out. And the truth is what we always suspected, mainly that Hamas was abusing it's own citzens in the war with Israel.

We know they set up rocket launchers in schools but we also now learn that they would shoot fellow Palestinians in the legs if they refused to allow their homes to be used as launch pads. So if Hamas showed up at their door, they were given a choice; 1) let us launch missiles from your rooftop which means that IDF will blow up your house, or 2) we will shoot you in the legs right now and you can drag yourself around Gaza for the rest of your days.

Obviously, Satan is alive and well in Hamas. But we are now finding out the Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter and others have been negotiating with the devil. Heaven help us if we turn our backs on Israel and strike a deal with the devil himself.

Read article here;

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