
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Iran and the Last Days

Many of you have heard us talk about the shiite belief that the 12th Imam is soon to return to earth. It is a belief that Mr. Ahmadinejad has and it is why the prospect of Iran having a nuclear bomb is unacceptable. After three plus years of telling the world that's what he believes...maybe the mainstreet media will start to wake up and realize why Iran is so dangerous to the stability of planet earth. The Wall Street Journal is telling us all about it;

Many Iranian leaders believe that the 12th Imam will return in the Last Days, which will be marked by global chaos and conflict, at the end of which Muslim believers will have conquered the infidels and the mullahs will rule the world. According to medieval Shiite texts, a message announcing the Mahdi's return will be carried to the four corners of the world so that none will be able to say he did not know that the Last Days were soon to arrive.

So if Mr. Ahmadinejad actually wants global chaos so he can help out this satanic spirit, why would we allow him a nuclear warhead when just last week Iran demonstrated they already have Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Missile (ICBM) capability? Good question. I hope Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton put on their most polite talking voices when they go to Iran to talk about peace. Maybe they can convince him that the 12th Imam is simply a satanic voice and that he really needs to accept Christ to be saved? That would be a fruitful outcome...but I won't hold my breath that Obama and Hillary will share the gospel with anyone in Iran.

Read the WSJ article here;

Also, remember that Iran (Persia) is not going anywhere until they fulfill the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy. And if Iran and Russia are both running out of money, it could be the final straw that makes them desparate enough to join forces and invade Israel to claim booty and wealth.

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