
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

U.S. Power is Weakening

Caroline Glick is a conservative columnist who writes for the Jerusalem Post. In her article she states;

Bluntly stated, the world that will challenge the next government will be one characterized by the end of US global predominance. In just a few short weeks, the new administration of President Barack Obama has managed to weaken the perception of American power and embolden US adversaries throughout the world.

Countries like Pakistan, Iran, Russia have all viewed Obama's attempts at friendship as a sign of weakness. Those countries live in a neigborhood where if you don't show your strength every day, you will quickly be run over. So when they get post cards with smiley faces from Obama and Biden talking about getting rid of 80% of our nuclear arsenal and talking to Iran without can surmise that we will soon be run over as the forces of the world (which are majority anti-American) look to fill the power vacuum of U.S. global power.

Read article here;

What a sad, sad story that the history books will write about America. Such promise, hope, freedom, liberty and wealth that the world have never seen before...all brought down like a flood as we drowned under a sea of greed, debt and apathy.

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