
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Palestinian Peace

Remember that Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, are both political parties who claim rule over the Palestinian people. The problem is that they hate each other and have been killing each other's members to this very day. Hamas has accused Fatah members of collaborating with the Israeli's war on when Hamas get's hold of someone they suspect of bad behavior...they shoot them in the head or shoot off their knee caps. I guess that's how justice seem's to be administered in large parts of the Arab world.

Read article here;,8599,1877640,00.html?xid=rss-world

So I ask the question...should the world really expect Israel to make peace with these people? How can they when the Palestinians can't even make peace amongst themselves? Do you truly believe that a lasting peace can be made with a party that has sworn it's allegiance to destroying Jews and the Israeli state? If a peace agreement was signed, do you think it would have an iota of a chance to stay in force when the Hamas signers just wiped the blood off their hands from shooting their cousins and neighbors in the back of the head? Get real. Peace isn't coming for this land until Jesus choose sides and keep praying for your enemies.

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