
Saturday, February 28, 2009


Have you noticed how many countries have unrest going on right now? Have you seen how many protests are breaking out around the world? It appears that the global population is getting increasingly agitated...and that usually means that change is coming. (Sorry Obama...I stole your motto)

Let it be known that I have no problem with change. That's just one of the rules of the world...that nothing stays the same. It's when we start to believe that circumstances will always stay the same, that we set ourselves up for complacency, apathy and disappointment.

And as people around the globe realize that governments can fail, and pensions can be lost, and health insurance is not free, and violent man can sieze the day, and that literally nothing in this life is guaranteed....those same people get anxious. World history shows us anxious populations have a tendency to do extreme things.

Security experts note that the economic downturn is already creating social unrest and political instability in some strategic hot spots around the world, and they warn that a prolonged slump could undermine U.S. and Western security interests.

Read article here;,8599,1881492,00.html

Take comfort in knowing that our Lord said there will always be wars, famines, governmental problems and injustice. Those are the rules of the world. It won't be until the Lord comes to sit on David's throne to rule the earth with an iron rod during the Millenium...that justice and peace will win the day.

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