
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Betraying Israel

Hal Lindsey is echoing some of the same statements we made last Saturday regarding the world's disdain for Israel. It's amazing to me that the world simply can't remember that Palestine was offered it's own state in 1947 but all the Arabs refused. Now 60 years later, they are claiming that not only do they want the offer back but they also want all the land back that they lost in the 1967 war THEY waged to annihilate Israel.

Does anybody remember how Israel ended up "occupying" the land it "captured" in 1967? Israel captured it after beating back the combined forces of the Arab world that had launched a war of annihilation against Israel. And this wasn't the first pan-Arab war aimed at annihilating the Jews – it was the third.
Israel fought them off in 1948. And again in 1956. And then again in 1967. And once again in 1973. This strip of land, so coveted by the Arab world, amounts to less than one-sixth of one percent of the Muslim Middle East.

Read Lindsey article here;

As we have have said, and as we will keep repeating....the world's demands on tiny Israel are so void of logic that the pressure must be coming from a supernatural source. As Lindsey says, Israel only consists of 1/6 of 1% of the Muslim Middle East.

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