
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kum-Ba-yah My Lord, Kum-Ba-Yah

It's amazing!!! Iran has gone from blowing up U.S. servicemen in Iraq, arming Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria, (which are sworn enemies of the U.S. and Israel) and cooking illicit nuclear bombs...and the very next day they are now our friends who are "promising" to help us with the drug war along the border of Afghanistan. Can we all join hands now and sing...Kum-ba-yah!!!

Afghanistan is where the U.S. and Iran may take some steps toward cooperation amid tensions over Iranian support for militant groups hostile to Israel and pursuit of uranium enrichment and other processes that might lead to a nuclear weapon.

Let me rephrase the above paragraph for you; Iran may use this ploy of cooperation to keep funding Hamas and other militant groups and buy time to keep cooking a bomb in hopes of destroying Israel and the U.S... SO they can then welcome the 12th Imam who will set up his Islamic-world-caliphate.

Read it here;

I certainly hope that Hilary and Obama remember that Iran invented the game of chess. They are masters at thinking many moves ahead...unlike most U.S. politicians who are thinking about the next 24-hour news cycle. Believe me, this is NOT a new move towards offering the olive branch of peace. I guarantee you the liberal-talking-heads and the Star Tribune will trumpet that it is about peace...and Ted Turner will repeat his claims that Iran should have the bomb afterall...and the next thing you know Obama will be offering to sell them Excel Energy and hand them the keys to New York City.

Have we all gone completely mad??

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