
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Church Goers and Porn

We all know that human beings are hypocrites. It doesn't matter what affiliations they have...humans just have a tendency to say one thing but do another. The secular media love stories when preachers get caught having affairs with prostitutes and gay men because it's just so fun to catch people being hypocrites.

The article below talks about Christians and porn. If the research is correct, it appears that proclaiming Christians consume as much on-line porn as non Christians.

An interesting (or depressing) wrinkle is that, in regions of higher church attendance, a smaller proportion of porn subscriptions begin on Sundays. "This analysis suggests that, on the whole, those who attend religious services shift their consumption of adult entertainment to other days of the week, despite on average consuming the same amount of adult entertainment as others," says Edelman.

Read it here;

It should break our hearts to imagine our Bridegroom, Jesus, who has been working on our mansions and the wedding feast for 2000 years, after paying the bride-price with his very life...that when he comes for us, he will find us wrapped up in porn, loose living, worshiping idols, giving barely 2% of our income for salvation work....finding us totally conformed to the patterns of this world... Exactly what he told us NOT to do.

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