
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hatred of Israel

I was on a conference call this afternoon with a economist/analyst from London. He believes that we won't sink to the same depths as we did during the depression of the 1930's. He had all sorts of graphs and charts showing us why he believes this...and for the most part, I believe he may be right.

The wild card he didn't discuss is the political unrest that is usually an outcome of steep unemployement and discontent. Another wild card would be a massive terrorist attack carried out againt The West.

After I hung up from him, I started thinking about how fragile this global economy is. And how it may not take too many more serious stomach-blows before it falls to it's knees. Then I started to read an article about Israel, Iran and nukes and thinking about various prophecies concerning Israel and how the world will hate her in the last days.

Imagine this scenario; what if Israel has no choice but to go into Iran and start flinging bombs to disrupt it's nuclear ambitions? The result would certainly be spiking oil prices around the world. Subsequently, we could see gas prices go from $1.85/gal up to $5.50/gal pretty fast. That just may be enough of a shock to our financial system to make our economic problems significantly worse. If that happened, the world would be enraged against Israel and they may be blamed for sinking the global economy...and few would come to her aid as the Ezekiel coalition marches.

What do you think?

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