
Saturday, March 28, 2009

EU Warns Israel

This article is potentially prophetic because it talks of deteriorating relations between Europe and Israel. Remember that we are watching for Rome to be revived in the Last Days and further consolidate Europe. Also anti-semitism is growing around the world and this development could push it much further if the Europeans start looking even more cross-eyed towards the Jewish state.

Also note even more glowing remarks for Obama from world leaders;

Obama's early commitment to the Middle East process means "there is real hope for progress in the region," Schwarzenberg said.

I guess President Bush's commitment in Iraq didn't count as "commitment to the Middle East process."

Let's also remember that the Arab-Palestinians were offered there own autonomous state right next to Israel right from the beginning in 1948...and there answer was a resounding "no...we won't have Jews as neighbors...ever, ever, ever!!" And as soon as British troops pulled out of the area, the Arabs have been trying (but failing) to destroy Israel ever since.

Read article here;

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