
Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Can We Do?

As North Korea readies to launch a rocket, the U.S. is finding that it has no tools in the toolbox when it come to rogue nations...or leaders who want the end of the world, like Iran. We can offer them money, (which amounts to blackmail and only encourages other despots) but what do we have that they want?

Secratary of Defense, Robert Gates had this to say;

"I would say we're not prepared to do anything about it," he told Fox News Sunday.

Read article here;

One thing we probably could do is say, "Look, here's how it's going to work. If you launch that rocket we are going to rain so many missiles and tactical nukes down on your head that the deepest bunker in the world is not going to save you." But as a moral nation, we will probably never say or do such a thing since we would kill thousands of innocent people and leave the country with zero infrastructure which would lead to even more innocent deaths.

It begs the question; how is a moral country like the U.S. actually going to use our incredible military force to stop anything from happening since we have little stomach for blood and carnage? We may be left to try and act defensively....but when it only takes one nuke placed in New York or LA...or one electro-magentic-pulse bomb (EMP) to totally destroy us for good...we definately need a Savior.

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