
Monday, March 30, 2009

Too Busy to Pray?

Here is another sign that the end must be near...there is a website where you can go and purchase an automated service to say your prayers for you. Yes it's true.

Information Age Prayer is a subscription service utilizing a computer with text-to-speech capability to incant your prayers each day. It gives you the satisfaction of knowing that your prayers will always be said even if you wake up late, or forget.

See the site for yourself here;

Oh yeah, the site warns us that if we are muslims, the prayer service won't count as a substitute for the 5-daily call to prayer...but tells us that it certainly can't hurt!

Finally, if you can believe it, there is a place to sign up for a "Free Prayer for Luck".

I'm sure this is just what our Saviour had in mind when he told us to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength."

Hat tip to Troy.

1 comment:

  1. Two years ago, Padrini developed the iPhone app, iBreviary, a digital book of daily prayers for Catholics. Padrini, who consults with the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Social Communications, told the AP that the iPad Mass app will be similar to his previous innovation.

    Pope Benedict XVI has had no issue with using new media to bring the Church into the 21st century. Last month, the Pope even allowed his congregation to text him their concerns about recent scandals within the Church. But while a younger congregation could be willing to embrace new technology, we wonder if older priests will be receptive to replacing the missal with an iPad? We'll say a prayer, just in case.

    See the whole story here:|main|dl7|link6|
