
Monday, March 2, 2009

Iran Says No Bomb

In my previous post we talked about Iran having enough material to make a nuke. Today, Iran has said that is not true.

"All these statements regarding the production of a nuclear bomb are very baseless," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi said.

Also, our own defense secratary, Robert Gates, has said that Iran isn't close to actually having a bomb which in his view gives the world (us) more time to coerce the Iranians.

Read article here;

The $1000 question is; what do you do if you are Israel? How much longer do you let them cook up fissile material and practice their missile launches? This is especially true when you consider their president has been telling his people to imagine a world with no Israel and has been organizing and arming Hezbollah and Hamas, both of which are dedicated to the destruction of Israel.


  1. I also read the statements from Robert Gates. The question that keeps getting stuck in my craw is how can the United States go from no one ever having nuclear ability to an atom bomb in a matter of years and Iran can get all kinds of help from China, North Korea, and others and NOT be able to get a functioning device in decades?

    Also in the back of my mind is an interview of Tom Clancy I read after he wrote The Sum of All Fears. He talked about how he sent away for plans on creating a nuclear bomb and was surprised / distressed when complete engineering diagrams came to his house.

    With that in mind how can it be possible that a country with as much money and determination as Iran could not develop a bomb? If there is an elephant in the room he doesn’t go away just because I turn out the light or close the door.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. They ARE going to get a bomb...we are just delaying the tough decisions in hopes that they will go away. To your point about the elephant in the room...maybe if we keep turning the light on and off dozens of times, we can hope that the next flick of the switch WILL make it magically disappear.

  3. Or...maybe with all the light flipping we can hope the elephant has an epileptic seizure. :-)
