
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Uh-oh...Now What?

Shoot! We were hoping that the Iranians were not going to be able to spin those centrifuges long enough and fast enough to create fissile material. When George Bush was talking tough to the Iranians a few years ago, the liberals said they were no where close to mastering the technology and it would be years before they could....and now we are here. And the world WILL NOT be a safer place.

I don't need to remind anyone of what Ahmadinejad has said or what his End of Days beliefs are. If you don't know them, call me or use the search engine on this blog to refresh your memory. Suffice it to say that a vaporizing war-head screwed on the tip of a 2000 mile range ballistic not what the world needs, especially with all the global turmoil transpiring.

Read the Iranian nuke report here;

Now for some sarcastic good news from the article;
The Obama administration has said it will seek to end Iran's nuclear ambitions, preferably through diplomacy.

I think this borders on the scale of being funny. Let's see how this conversation between Obama and the Mullahs of Iran might go.

Obama-"Hey guys, how's it going. About those nuclear ambitions, we don't want you making any nukes...OK?"

Mullahs-"We only want to make electricity."

Obama- "Well OK....just don't make any bombs, OK guys?"

Mullahs- "OK we won't...if you send us $20 billion dollars in gold by next Tuesday...we will only make electricity".

Obama- "That sounds fair. I'll just attach it the my multi-trillion dollar stimulus package. I think extortion from a foreign government should actually create jobs, since we will need to have 150 people stationed in Iran for the next 50 years making sure we got our $20 billion worth of bribe money."

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