
Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Muslim President

The article I will post below is written by a muslim woman who is also an American. In the article she points out why most muslims world wide believe that President Obama is part of the muslim worldwide community, known as the umma.

Of the few Muslims I polled who said that Obama is not Muslim, even they conceded that he had ties to Islam. These realists said that, although not an avowed and practicing Muslim, Obama's exposure to Islam at a young age (both through his father and his stint in Indonesia) has given him a Muslim sensibility. In my book, that makes you a Muslim--maybe not a card-carrying one, but part of the flock for sure. One realist Muslim ventured that Obama worships at a Unitarian Church because it represents the middle ground between Christianity and Islam, incorporating the religious beliefs of the two faiths Obama feels connected to. Unitarianism could be Obama's way of still being a Muslim. (And let's not forget that the church Obama worshiped at for so many years had a minister who reminds most Muslims of their own raving, excitable ministers. Even if Obama really is Christian, he picked the most Muslim-esque minister out of the bunch to guide him.)

Read her full article here;

When you put this article together with the article I posted earlier this week on Obama and Iran, you come up with a very curious set of circumstances the surround the leader of the Western world. Let's remember that Satan has been preparing the deception of the Last Days for a very long time. He is patient and sneaky (like a prowling lion) when it comes to setting the final trap which will ensnare the entire world. Jesus tells us that it would even ensnare us, (the elect) if that were possible. To me those words mean that the deception will be so good and the sprung trap so strong that even believer's souls would be given over to Satan...were it not for the deposit of the Holy Spirit that all believers have been given by the Father.

Thank you Jesus for that deposit which gives us assurance of our place next to you.

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