
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lunatic or Prophet?

A friend of mine sent me this video of a recent interview with Alan Keyes. I don't know much about Mr. Keyes except he was running as a Republican in the presidential primary. The reason the video caught my attention was because of the passion Mr. Keyes displayed. He is convinced that President Obama is going to lead the U.S. into collapse because of his infanticide/abortion positions, his inability to prove his U.S. birth, and his insistence on throwing $2 Trillion dollars of additional debt on top of an already unpayable pile.

Watch the 3 minute video here;

I am pretty certain about one thing; If Mr. Obama is found to be Kenyan born (as his Grandmother has claimed) and forced to step down from office for constitutional reasons....anarchy and chaos would be a absolute certainty in various parts of the country. Would it spread?.... and if so how far and how wide?

As we have said in the past...the USA is nowhere to be found in biblical prophecy. Are we witnessing the stage being set for our own downward spiral? Could our idolotry have brought God to the breaking point where our punishment has started and is irrevocable?

Of course the media believe Mr. Keyes to be a lunatic as do a large percentage of the U.S. population. But I will remind you that many people who have spoken the truth in history past were also regarded as lunatics...including Jeremiah, Noah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist and just about everyone else who shows up in the bible.

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