
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Unholy Meeting

As I mentioned in an earlier posting, President al-Bashir from Sudan has an outstanding arrest warrant issued by the world court. It seems that even the world finds it hard to tolerate the rape, mutilation and murder of hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur.

But lest he feel bad that no one likes him...Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas sent some delegates to comfort Mr. al-Bashir in his difficult time.

This meeting also produced some rhetoric for all of us in the world who believe mass murderers should be brought to justice and of course they believe it is an insult to Islam. (What doesn't offend Islam?)

"This group today indicates a readiness, a will and a unified position to support Sudan, its government and people," Larijani said at a news conference following the talks.
He said nations who support al-Bashir's prosecution "miscalculated" by thinking they "can sit and issue orders to have others behave as they wish".

"This has changed," Larijani said. "They have to play with a new chessboard.""

Read it here;

So what do the players of this unholy alliance all have in common?? They all hate Jews and believe that Israel should be destroyed. Pray that Jesus shows up at this meeting and starts to change their hearts and reveal Truth to them.

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