
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pakistan = Trouble

I remember watching a PBS special a few years ago and the U.S. ambassador from Pakistan was being interviewed. He was a seriously smart guy. I remember him talking about how vital a peaceful and secure Pakistan was for world peace. I also remember the interviewer asking him what would happen if Pakistan fell into the wrong hands. His response was something like, "You don't want to know".

As we have posted before, Pakistan already has nuclear weapons on the launch pads. They are also situated in a very dangerous neighborhood and have been in a simmering war with India. When the terrorists recently hit the Taj Mahal in India, they were all traced to Pakistan.

Today, Pakistan is starting to fall apart. A huge piece in the western part of the country is being taken over by the Taliban. Obama is now being told that the U.S. better support Pakistan...or else it will brew something worse than 9/11.

Recent "apocalyptic" intelligence on the situation in Pakistan has sent shockwaves through the upper echelons of the Obama administration and convinced Mr Riedel's review team that radicals trained in Pakistan are the greatest threat to Western security.
One White House aide emerged from an intelligence briefing on Pakistan three days after Mr Obama's inauguration to exclaim: "Holy s--t!"

Read the full article here;

I'm not sure how any one man is going to keep a lid on the major unrest that is now plagueing the world. But I sure hope we have plenty of money and bullets to keep our military supplied. Oops....hey, where's all our money?

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