
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ezekiel Prophecy

The chess pieces continue to be set on the chess board for Ezekiel's 2800 yr old prophecy to be fulfilled. Remember that Russia and Iran are two of the main players in Ezekiel's "last days" coalition. Russia will be the leader and Islamic countries will join them and they will have the destruction of Israel on their minds AND they will be hoping to take booty after their planned victory. But God has other things in mind for this coalition. Ezekiel goes on to tell us that the armies will turn on each other before they can attack Israel because God will send confusion on them.

Ezekiel 39:3 says, "Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand. On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you...".

When earth's inhabitants sees this (on CNN, Fox News, etc...) the bible tells us that the world will understand "...and they will know that I am the Lord." (vs. 6) Further in vs. 7, God says, "...and the nations will know that I the Lord am the Holy One in Israel."

Now check out this article that hilights the military cooperation between Iran and Russia;

Then check out this one that talks of Israel planning an attack on Iran;

You may ask, "So what does this all mean to me?" Answer; most prophecy watchers believe Ezekiel's war will transpire during the Tribulation. We know the Rapture of the church comes BEFORE the Tribulation. Get it?

1 Thessalonians 5:4-5, "But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day."

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