
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mexico Meltdown

Mexico is continuing to unravel. And just when we heard that Pakistan (yesterday?) was the most dangerous threat to U.S. we get this today;

This after several U.S. intelligence reports found that Mexico now presented as worse threat to our national security than Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Now President Obama says he’s considering putting troops on the border.

Expect the rhetoric to start to build between the U.S. and Mexican government as U.S. prepares for troops and the Mexican government (machismo rules the day in Mexico) tries to cast blame elsewhere. Read what the President of Mexico said;

Two weeks ago, President Calderon blamed America for the drug war, noting that the primary cause was having the “the world’s biggest consumer’ of illegal drugs” as his neighbor. “Drug trafficking in the United States,” he said, “is fueled by the phenomenon of corruption on the part of the American authorities.”

Read the article here;

I honestly have to say that Calderon has a point. If U.S. citizens weren't buying $billions of illegal drugs, the demand would be gone and the cartells wouldn't have enough cash to purchase a BB gun. On the other hand, I have to admit that it's downright funny to see the Mexican president accusing American authorites of being corrupt.

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