
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Syria's Assad

Syria is an interesting place. They posessed the Golan Heights overlooking the Sea of Galilee for generations. When they attacked Israel along with an Arab coalition in 1967, they lost the Golan to Israel. Now, according to them, they want Israel to give it back...and if they don't it will be an obstacle to peace...pretty much forever.

Now, look at the funny comment that Assad (dictator of Syria) made;

Assad said that, while in theory he could envision a resumption of negotiations with Israel, he views the possibility as moving further away. Israel will soon have a new government with hard-line Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm.
"I'm not worried at the thought of Netanyahu, but by Israeli society's turning right, as reflected by Netanyahu's rise," he was quoted as saying. "That's the biggest obstacle to peace."

Read the full article here;

Did you catch that?...he is worried that Israel's society is turning right! Meanwhile, in Syria they kill their political opponents and won't promote anyone who doesn't believe that Israel needs to be destroyed, they sent thousands of Islamic fighters to Iraq to disturb the peace there and they had a secret nuclear facility and now it's pretty much common knowledge they are cooking chemical WMD's....but they DON'T WANT ISRAEL TO TURN RIGHT!!! because it will be an obsacle to peace!

I can't help but smile as I type this post, because of the absurdity of that statement. What's even more absurd is that the rest of the world will read Assad's statements and say, "yeah...what is Israel's problem...why can't they just play nice and get along with their neighbors?"

And the hatred towards the Jews will keep building...just like the bible says it will in the last days.

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