
Sunday, April 26, 2009

All Riled Up With No Place to Go

It seems to be the American way that if you aren't happy with your job...then do something about it and find a different one. If you don't like your state....then move to a different one. But how about if you aren't happy with your country?

It seems quite a few conservatives are getting pretty fired up about the direction that Obama and his D.C. supporters, are taking us. The divide between liberals and conservatives is growing wider and wider, and that gap is going to be increasingly difficult to bridge with compromising solutions.

So what if Texas were to seceed and become it's own country? Would it be a place where conservatives could flock...where people who want to cling to "God and guns" could actually thrive and not have to spend all their time fighting liberal agendas?

Perry (Gov. of Texas) was quoted by local media afterward as saying: "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people ... who knows what might come out of that."

Read article here;

Many people we have spoken with have their antennae up and are listening for voices of divide that could lead to serious civil unrest in this country...the people of Texas may already be talking about it in back rooms and bar rooms. "Don't Mess With Texas," may end up being more than just a slogan.

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