
Monday, April 27, 2009

What's up with the Golan?

When the news we are watching talks about "The Golan Heights" and then continues on into the latest news between Syria and Israel...most of us have no clue what, why or where The Golan Heights is. Forget about knowing why it a huge point of contention between Israel and Syria.

With that being said, it is obvious that the world seems to be turning against Israel. The Golan is just one other problem that the world is going to use to build hatred against Jews and Israel. So it is important for us (supporters of Israel) to understand the basics of this long running problem.

I found a site that has some very basics and a nice map of The Golan;

Please notice that Syria used The Golan for 20 yrs as a place to pick off Israeli citizens. When Israel complained, this is what they got;

For example, Israel went to the UN in October 1996 to demand a halt to the Fatah attacks. The response from Damascus was defiant. "It is not our duty to stop them, but to encourage and strengthen them," the Syrian ambassador responded.

Also, please take a look at the map and realize just what a tiny chunk of land the Golan actually is in comparison to the rest of Syria.

So when Syria joined in with the other Arab armies in 1967 in an attempt to destroy Israel and kill all the would have been with great embarrasment that not only did none of the advancing armies succeed in any of their goals....but they lost a lot of military power and equipment and they lost land when Israel chased the offensive Arab armies back to their bases and kept some of the land as booty and for future defensive purposes. (The Golan Heights)

The fact that the world fails to see the fairness and logic of this outcome is just further evidence that there must be supernatural power pushing this issue.

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