
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blame America Tour

Let me start out by saying that I believe President Obama to be a sincerely nice man. I have a feeling that he is a great husband, a great father and a truly likeable guy to be around. So my recent rash of criticisms are not directed at the man of Obama....rather at the idiotic things he is doing. Furthermore, you can't help but watch Obama very closely because he is such an incredible foreshadowing of the anti-christ. Like Obama, the anti-christ will be all charisma...and just like the Obama's....I have a pretty good idea that people will be fainting in his presence as well.

Now, with that disclaimer out of the way....let me get on with another idiotic thing Obama is doing; blaming the violence in Mexico in large part to U.S. guns going across the border.

On Thursday, while on a visit to Mexico, the president continued his Blame America First tour. "This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States," he said, referring to the drug wars that are tearing apart our neighbor to the south. "More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border."

Read article here;

Why is he telling this lie? Why is he exposing the secrets of the CIA and making them look like dangerous idiots? Why is he publicly telling Europe that most of the global-financial-crisis blame lies with the U.S.? Why is he allowing himself to be photographed with Chavez? Why does he blame George Bush for Iran's inability to get along with the world? Why does he call America's invasion of Iraq a huge blunder?

I believe it's Obama's understanding that if he can depreciate America and knock us down a bit...that other countries will like us a lot more. Obama has bought the world's story that America is too arrogant, too forceful in it's leadership and just too much of a global footprint.

What he doesn't realize is that he is actually making the world a lot more dangerous. To me, this is just more evidence to support the idea that the world and it's governments are in for some serious "change"...courtesy of Obama.

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