
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Obama Doctrine

Some of you remember when Sarah Palin was lambasted by Charlie what's-his-name on GMA, for not knowing what the "Bush Doctrine" was. The funny thing one knew what the Bush Doctrine was...including the interviewer....because it had never been defined.

So does Obama have a doctrine? Has he been in office long enough to have created one? Ex-Senator, Rick Santorum has a colleague, Peter Wehner, who has come up with one;

The Obama Doctrine means criticizing past presidents, Democratic and Republican; apologizing for past American sins, real and imagined, to both allies and enemies of the United States, on domestic and, preferably, foreign soil — in the hope that doing so allows Obama to speak with greater moral force and clarity. The overriding goal of the Obama Doctrine is to make the person it is named after look good, rather than, and if necessary at the expense of, the nation he was elected to represent.

That looks about right.

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