
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cashless Society

The bible tells us very clearly that a day is coming when you will need the mark of the beast (anti-christ) in order to buy and sell. So one of the things we have been watching for is the development of a monetary system that simply supplies debits and credits...just numbers on a page. That way, a computer can monitor every financial transaction and a bar code on an arm or chip implanted on every person will allow the computer to debit or credit the correct account.

For the last 1500 years, people would read Revelation 13:16, "He (anti-christ) also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to reveive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."

The past 40 generations of man reading this would have had absolutely no concept of how this could possibly be fulfilled. So they assumed that Revelation must all be symbolic and it was largely ignored. I know that when I heard the book mentioned as I was growing up, I would hear, "Why bother reading one can figure out what that all means."

In the same way when Revelation talks about the entire world seeing the two witnesses talked of in Chapter 11....people figured there was no way possible the whole world could ever "see" they dismissed it.

Today, we know that a $700 laptop has the capability to store information on all 7 billion people of planet earth....we know that TV satelites can broadcast pictures all over the world instantaneously for everyone to "see" the Olympics at the same time....and we know that we almost have a cashless society right now in Western civilzation. Certainly, technology has been moving is quickly towards the literal fulfillment of these ancient writings.

Read about cashless society here;

Finally, please remember that Daniel the prophet told us that in the Last Days..."knowledge shall increase." So think about it....mankind used horses for transportation for the last 4000 years...and in the last hundred years, mankind went from horseback to remote control cameras landing on Mars and sending back pictures! In the last 30 years the knowledge on earth doubled every 18 months...I have a good idea that we are in the day the Daniel warned us about.

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