
Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Most of you know the joke about CNN standing for COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK. I just happened to walk by a TV and CNN was on it. The headlines read this;

President Obama's Global Outreach
Does he have an advantage over his predecessors?

Of course the backdrop was beautiful pictures of Obama smiling with all the world leaders at G20, then smiling with Turkey's president and finally beaming pictures of Obama making a drop by in Iraq to the cheers of U.S. soldiers.

To worsen the charade even further...the four panelists they were "interviewing" for this story, all must have been current lover's of Obama because they were fairly gushing in an attempt to explain how wonderful Obama is for the world...and how utterly awful his predecessor (Bush) was.

Please tell me you can all see that Obama is a foreshadowing of the anti-christ!!!

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