
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Earthquake Prophet Silenced

The quake toll in Italy keeps rising as does the realization of the devastation that it caused. But one guy knew it was coming last week. A seismologist in Italy was so convinced that a big quake was coming, that last week he drove a van with loudspeakers through the village and warned everyone to get out. But it seems no one listened...and now for thousands of's too late.

A scientist warned a 'big one' was on the way only days before the devastating earthquake struck.
Seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani toured the medieval mountain town in a van with loudspeakers warning locals to evacuate.

But he was silenced by the authorities. The country's worst quake for 30 years struck at 3.30am on Monday morning, measuring 6.3 on the 10-point Richter scale.

Read the article here;

Now make a connection to all the prophecy watchers who are telling us that "prophetic events events are in fast forward mode." They are also telling everyone that something cataclysmic is set to happen for planet earth.

"Pay attention to the signs! Israel is back in the land, wars and rumors of wars are happening at an alarming pace, mankind has become lovers of violence, earthquakes are off the charts, knowledge has increased exponantially in the last century, strange signs in the skies are being seen, and the love of many has grown cold!! Turn to Christ before it's too late!! His name is the only name under heaven that has the power to save!!"

But how many people will listen?

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