
Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Proverbs 18:11 tells us, "The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it an unscalable wall." (emphasis mine)

First off remember that everyone who is reading this blog today is "rich", so this Proverb is speaking to us all. We have food in the fridge, a computer, clothes on your back and shelter over your head so by world standards...we are rich.

I was reading this Proverb from the Life Application Study Bible this morning. Now here's what's really interesting...if you go to the anotation at the bottom of the page, the writer of the anotation had this to say;

"In imagining that their wealth is their strongest defense, rich people are sadly mistaken. Money cannot provide safety--there are too many ways for it to lose it's power. The government may cease to back it, thieves may steal it; inflation my rob it of all it's value. But God never loses power. He is always dependable. Where do you look for security and safety--uncertain wealth or God who is always faithful?"

It appears this bible, with notes, was put together in the mid-1960's. How interesting it is that the writers of the notes thought to mention that currencies can (and do) fail and also that if you print too much of can lose it's value. Hmmmm??....does that sound familiar to anyone today?

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