
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cosmic Deception

Many of you have heard me talk about "aliens", UFO's, fallen angels and the Nephilim of Genesis Chapter 6. I introduced the subject in adult education during our time together in December.

Whenever I speak of such things I usually start out by asking my listeners if they believe in angels. Everyone is pretty unanimous that they do. I then ask them to read the definition of "alien" as found in the dictionary, which basically says "any intelligent life form that is not of the human species." So by definition, anyone who believes in angels also believes in aliens...since angels, Cherubim and Seraphim are most definately NOT human beings but do have intelligence. Also please remember that Paul told us that human beings were created a little BELOW the angelic beings, which to me means they have powers, intelligence and ability that humans do not have.

I next ask my listeners if they believe the story of the bible that tells us 1/3 of the angelic beings followed Lucifer (satan)into rebellion and fell from heaven. Again, I have never had a bible reader that disagrees with the biblical account. So where do you think this 1/3 of the fallen angels currently exist? Where are they?

The good news for me is that I'm not alone in my understanding of these supernatural discussions. Today, Jan Markell ministries published an article about such matters. And Jan Markell ministries reaches thousands of people every day. You can read the article here;

Thessalonians says that a "great deception" is coming for planet earth...and an "alien" invasion force of demons landing on planet earth with a grand story and accompanied by signs and miracles would certainly deceive most of the inhabitants left on earth. If you look at the movies that are currently playing that involve aliens, you will quickly see that the earth's population will certainly be accepting of their existence.

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