
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Israel Withdrawing

The world community seems to be growing impatient with Israel. They want a solution to the Palestinian problem and they want it now....or they will blame Israel for the failure. Read here how Germany and the EU are becoming vocal about pressure on Israel;

” The new Israeli government, he explained, must "prove through its actions that it will accept a Palestinian state."

Read it here;

In response to the growing pressure, Israel is starting to realize that they are going to be on their own. America is making it obvious that we won't really do anything to defend Israel but have only said we would punish those who have already attacked her. (See Hilary Clinton's quotes regarding this) Israel is not going to wait for another Holocaust.

Now Israel is saying that the world should back off and let Israel figure things out on it's own time.

The world “should not stand over us with a stopwatch,” Lieberman added, in what was seen as a response to recent international pressure regarding talks with the PA.

Read it here;

Things are shaping up on this front to put Israel all on it's own...just as the bible said it would the Last Days.

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