
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Goodbye Scotland's really is happening fast. The world is turning against Israel...which means it is soon going to be turning against followers of Jesus.

It appears the unions of Scotland have voted to boycott Israel;

“It (Israel) has lost the battle for world public opinion. It is now seen to be a state born out of ethnic cleansing and still expanding through the violent dispossession of the Palestinian people,” the SPSC said.

“Israel’s New Year mountain of corpses in Gaza, together with its frequent murder of unarmed civilians across Palestine were only the latest in a long series of Israeli massacres,” the SPSC said.

Read it here;

Poor, biblically ignorant Scotland. I wonder if they boycotted Iraq for the decades Saddam was killing people by the thousands? I wonder if they are doing business with Sudan, Iran and Pakistan...where women and Christians are routinely persecuted and killed? But yet when Israel tries to put down the death-regime of Hamas who were using their own civilians as human shields....Scotland debases them.

The bible is VERY clear that the nations will be judged based on how they treated the brethren of Jesus (Jews).

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