
Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Swirled Order

OK....let's quit harping on Obama for a while and get back to these strange "aliens". There is a new documentary out on crop circles and I have attached a link to the video here;

If, after you have watched this 3 minute trailer, you are can then watch the entire 50 minute documentary also on youtube.

Notice in this short video there is more mention of December 21, 2012. Also note that NASA confirms that some planetary alignment will happen on that date...and also note that the Mayan calendar ends on that date. The Mayan said it will end because the feathered-serpent-god will return to earth through the portal that will be created when the planets align.

Are these crop circles further preparing humans to accept the "aliens" when they do show up? Are all the recent Hollywood movies about "aliens" also preparing us to accept whatever they say...or whatever they teach us? It's very clear that these "aliens" are the fallen angels that the bible talks about.

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." Paul wrote this in 1 Timothy 4:1

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