
Monday, April 20, 2009

The Handshake

Yesterday in adult education, we talked about North Korea and their disregard to world law as they launched a missile in the fact of global opinion. The fact that North Korea will only recieve an letter that says, "disappointing" in it...will simply make them more dangerous. The same thing is happening with Iran. They also are becoming more dangerous.

Now today it is reported that Obama was seen smiling, shaking hands and recieveing a gift from Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's current strong-arm dictator. Let's look at some of the things Mr. Chavez has said;

** “I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet.”

** “A coup happened in Venezuela that was prepared by the U.S. What do they want? Our oil, as they did in Iraq ,”

** "It (the U.S.) is an imperialist government, one that says it fights against terrorism but protects it. The U.S. throws stones to Latin America,”

Mr. Chavez is extremely anti-American and also is extremely anti-capitalist. So why would the leader of the free world, (President Obama) sit and shake hands with Mr. Chavez in plain view of the entire world?? If he feels the need to talk to Mr. Chavez, then send some low level admin geek through back channels... Don't give him the power and legitimacy that he so desperately craves so he can broadcast those pictures all over the world.

So once again, the enemies of freedom are being appeased and Mr. Obama's great-big-shiny-smile are making the world even more dangerous by showing the world that he wants to be friends with them matter how many times they deny the Holocaust or no matter how many times they say they want to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Read article here;

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