
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More Global Ponzi Scheme

We have talked quite a bit about paper money and how it will become worthless if you print too much of it.....why?....because it is only paper and is only good as long as the "faith" in the U.S. government remains firm.

So as Obama and the Fed continue to throw around $billions and $trillions...we start to edge closer to the point of no return. And it seems everyday that Obama has another $100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) for some worthy cause. Obviously, the U.S. has no money so we are just creating it out of thin air.

Here's today's $100 Billion dollar need;

Obama proposes $100 billion U.S. loan for IMF

Now let's remember who the IMF is....the INTERNATIONAL MONEY FUND. This is just another place where paper money gets traded around the ultimately the entire globe will be wrapped up in this.

But let's all just drink the Kool-aid and try real hard to believe what Obama is telling us;

In a letter to U.S. congressional leaders, Obama said the U.S. funding "does not represent a budgetary expenditure or any increase in the deficit since it effectively represents an exchange of assets."

So really, the $100 Billion we are "loaning" them is never really a budget concern for every citizen of the U.S.?? I wonder how that works? (Ponzi Scheme Alert!!)

Read full article here;

By the way, this ultimate collapse will pave the way for quite a few prophesies to be fulfilled.

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