
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

UN Racism Conference

So here's a good idea....let's get all the world's leaders together for a conference on racism...then let's make sure that Iranian president, Ahmadinejad, is available to speak about the tradgedy of racism!!....never mind that he has exposed himself as anti-semetic and a holocaust denier and that he has threatened to destroy Israel because they have no right to exist....and he's cooking a nuke and shunning world opinion...let's give him a big platform so he can get all sorts of global attention and raise his own level of self-importance!! (insert copious amounts of sarcasm here)

Read article here;,2933,517151,00.html

Since this whole story lacks any logic and/or common sense, it must have some sort of supernatural basis....or it must have been an idea drummed up by the United Nations.

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