
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Messiah-Obama Watch

Obama spoke at Georgetown and requested that all religious symbols be removed from the stage before he spoke...those symbols were Christian.

Georgetown University hid a religious inscription representing the name of Jesus during President Obama's address there Tuesday, has confirmed, because White House staff asked the school to cover up all religious symbols and signs while the president was on stage.
The monogram IHS, whose letters spell out the name of Jesus, and which normally perches above the stage in Gaston Hall where the president spoke, was covered over with what appeared to be black wood during the address.

Check out the article here;

Also, please notice the erie picture of Obama standing behind the pulpit with the stained glass in the background. This may be foreshadowing of what will be coming when the anti-christ stands in the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem and declares himself to be god...and fully demanding our worship.

Hat tip to Kim for recognizing this. Keep watching!

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