
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gun Sales

The headline in the Wall Street Journal today reads; Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting up.

In an earlier post from a few weeks ago titled; Gun Shop Observations, we posted some comments that were heard at a local gun shop. Now the main stream media is picking up on these same observations....and they are curious as to why this may be.

Read WSJ article here;

So how much of the gun sales are attributed to greed and how much to fear? Some people are certainly waking up to the fact that if the lights go out for any extended period of time...the government simply may not be around to protect them, so they are doing something to protect themselves from the unknown.

Other people are waking up to the fact that the government may very well try and take their guns and they want to "get" while the "gettin' is good".

The bible clearly tells us that a day is coming when grown men will faint with fear for what they are seeing. These passages are clearly a reference to the Tribulation hour coming for planet earth...but how much foreshadowing of these perilous times might believers see before the Lord comes for us? We simply don't know.

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