
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Middle East Preparing for War

Remember, we watch Iran for a few reasons...because they are a player mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and also because their leadership is violently opposed to Israel. Those reasons alone put them front and center for prophecy watchers.

The rumors of an Israeli attack on Iran are continuing to build...and the countries of the middle east are preparing for the fall out.

The UPI report states that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Oman have deployed Patriot missile batteries along the Persian Gulf to deflect incoming Iranian missiles. The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are “getting ready for what many now assume will be retaliation from Iran following Israeli bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities later this year,” UPI reports.

Read it here;

Jesus told us to watch for wars and rumors of wars and nation rising against nation. The 20th century accounted for more deaths by war than all periods of human history combined...and unless something drastic changes, the 21st century may prove to be even worse.

Thanks be to God that we know to expect this and that we know the outcome of it all. If we didn't....the anxiety of it all would be overwhelming.

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