
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We're All Extremists!

According to U.S. Homeland Security, everyone of you reading this and everyone who has been to an adult-ed class on eschatology...may end up on a government list of "right wing extremists".

WASHINGTON, DC - Department of Homeland Security officials have issued a report which links people with pro-life, anti-illegal immigration views, teachers of end-time prophecies, and veterans of war with "right-wing extremist" groups.

So if that label gets put on anyone who teaches about what Jesus told us to "watch" for...or anyone who believe's abortion is murder...or anyone who believes that not everyone should be free to walk into America and start collecting benefits...or anyone who shot a gun for the U.S. military.....IT PAVES THE WAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO LABEL THAT ENTIRE GROUP AS CRIMINALS AND DO WITH THEM WHAT THEY CHOOSE!

You can't make this stuff up!

Read article here;

Hat tip to Mike!

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