
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Messin' With Israel

Obama and team are getting ready to pressure Israel to split up their land and give it to the Palestinians. How do we expect a people group (Palestinians) who are in a civil war, have little education and the majority of whom don't recognize Israel's right to form their own state and peacefully co-exist with their neighbors? It's beyond ludicrous!

But ludicrous seems to be Obama's middle name. There seems to be nothing this guy won't do or say...but now it's getting really serious for all of us if Obama starts dividing up God's Holy Land.

In an unprecedented move, the Obama administration is readying for a possible confrontation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by briefing Democratic congressmen on the peace process and the positions of the new government in Israel regarding a two-state solution. The Obama administration is expecting a clash with Netanyahu over his refusal to support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

Read full article here;

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