
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pakistan World Plot?

We realize that violence seems to be happening so fast that it's hard to keep track of it all...but most of us should remember the terrorist attack last year in Mumbai, India. There were 58 people shot dead when some Muslim-extremists from Pakistan started spraying everyone they could with bullets.

This has made matters even more tense between India and Pakistan....and it's far from over. India has uncovered that some members of the Pakistani military were involved in the coordination of the attack.

But this last paragraph from the lead detective on the case is the most prophetic for what may be coming from satan-induced-muslim-extremists;

“My boys have ferreted out the real conspiracy behind the attack,” he said. “The danger we have exposed is not only to India, but to the whole world. The sooner the world realises that, the better.”

Read article here;

So when will the world wake up??....don't hold your breath.

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