
Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Dreams and Visions

The prophet Joel said that in the Last Days, "your young men will dream dreams and your old men will see visions." The apostle Peter also repeated that prophecy. It's amazing to hear how people are coming to Jesus all over the world....and a frequency that has NEVER happened before.

I was personally made aware of this probably 4 years ago when I read an article by a retired Iraqi General named General Sada. He wrote about the huge outbreak of Christianity that had taken place in Iraq since Saddam Hussein was run out of town by U.S. forces. He estimated that 90% of the people coming to Christ were the result of dreams and visions. Remember that 99.9% of Iraqis are muslims.

In very short order I then spoke with a Pakstani woman at our home. She was a born again Christian and wanted desparately to get back to Pakistan because entire villages were coming to Christ through "the dream",...and she wanted to be a part of this exciting phenomenon. When I asked what the "the dream" was, she told me that Jesus was appearing to people and showing them the way to salvation. She knew it was going to be dangerous to go back because her uncle and cousins had been sexually abusing and raping her since she was 7, and they would want to kill her because she had "enticed" these men. Again, 99.9% of Paksitanis are muslim.

Yesterday I received a letter from a good friend who was just in Kosovo. While there he spoke with a woman from Bulgaria who was being trained to be the next leader/teacher of women at her local obviously she was a staunch muslim.

One day (about 10 yrs ago) she had a dream that she was on a crowded bus when the bus driver, who was all dressed in black, locked all the people in the bus and set it on fire. She was screaming, just like everyone else was, but she never caught fire. She looked out of the bus and she could see Jesus all dressed in white. Jesus opened the bus door and and led her out of the burning bus and spoke to her saying, "I am the way, follow me." When this woman woke from her dream, she asked some friends for a bible and went to a place where she knew believers were meeting and told them she wanted to be a follower of Christ. That was the first dream.

That same year she dreamed again that she was standing in a line of people. Jesus went down the line and touched people and when he did, their clothes would start to glow. When he touched her, her clothes also began to glow. She told of how wonderful it was to see him peace, love and acceptance flowed out of his eyes. She told Jesus that she loved him and would do anything for him and then she began to cry because of the joy she was feeling. Jesus told her, "Don't cry, I am going to take you. Go tell everyone to get ready because very soon I am coming." She watched him as he ascended back into heaven and Jesus kept repeating those words as he went away.

Did you catch that?? He is coming soon to "take" her...sounds like a clue of the rapture which is the next prophetic thing to happen on planet earth...when in the twinkling of an eye we will all be the last trumpet...two men will be in the field, one will be taken the other left....two women at the mill, one will be taken the other left. The dead believers will be raised first and then all of us who are still alive will quickly follow them where we will meet Christ in the air and be with Him forever more! Amen!!

If you are interested in reading more about dreams and visions and the hundreds of thousands of muslims who are coming to Joel Rosenberg's new book, INSIDE THE REVOLUTION.

Also, you can check out this site;

Friends...lest you be skeptical about these supernatural happenings, may I remind you that the apostle Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus and it changed him from being a Christian -killer into a Christ follower...and it literally happened overnight.

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