
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deaf Ears

As all of you know by now, America is nowhere to be found in biblical prophecy. That means that something is going to happen to America so that she becomes a "non-issue" in the Last Days. Many of you have heard my thoughts on this, but I will restate that I believe America was made great to serve a few Kingdom purposes....mainly to incubate the country of Israel in 1948. We were the first to recognize her and the world has known that they can't mess with Israel WITHOUT expecting some altercation with America.

As we get closer to The Day of the Lord (Last Days), we know that God is going to handle Israel all by himself and in a supernatural way. So America will not be needed as a protectorate of Israel any longer.

Also, when the rapture of the church happens and 20-50 million (?) Americans get snatched by our Savior, in the twinkling of an eye,....America will not recover from the carnage caused, and the non functioning of the infrastructure. Think about many military men will be gone? How many engineers, pilots, electrical grid technicians, doctors, phone line repairmen, etc....will simply be gone? Who will be left to clean up the mess and who will know how to turn on the lights and keep the power plants functioning?

With that as a background of my thoughts, I ran across this article today which spells out very clearly why America is soon going to be gone...we are hanging on by the tiniest of threads.

Our leaders have failed to assess many things properly in God’s eyes and so our nation remains firmly seated in defiant rebellion against the One who raised us up for a time such as this. For many years God has sent a wide variety of remedial chastisements to our land in the form of hurricanes, tornado outbreaks and severe storms, destructive flood and fire events, terrorism and lately the financial crisis. All this, it seems, has fallen on deaf ears. Like beasts penned up for slaughter, the vast majority of us, both Christian and non-Christian alike, living here in United States have failed to notice the sword that is hanging so precariously over our heads. Our nation has been living in the shadow of the “Damocles Sword” of God’s judgment for a long time and our new presidential administration under the guidance of Barack Hussein Obama is working feverishly to carry us to a much deeper level of rebellion against our Creator.

Here is the link to the entire article;

It really is a MUST READ for all those who understand that this country can't go on aborting babies, selling sex, bathing in pornography, worshiping false idols (wealth), turning our back on Israel, doing drugs of all kinds, using violence and death as entertainment, endorsing perversion....and all at the same time becoming biblically illiterate and TOTALLY LOSING THE FEAR OF THE LORD!

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