
Thursday, April 30, 2009

"I Have a Gift"

Sorry...but we simply can't take our eyes off of Obama! And the media just can't quit talking about this guy. The world has simply never seen anything like him!

In today's Wall Street Journal, Dan Henninger has some comments that perk up our prophetic ears;

If opinion polls were real life, Barack Obama would be walking with the immortals. In polls taken as he headed to his 100th day, his numbers are high and heavenly, cruising on issue after issue at 70-plus percent.

"Mr. Obama cast himself as an eager listener, sometimes giving warring classmates the impression that he agreed with all of them at once." Also: "People had a way of hearing what they wanted in Mr. Obama's words."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in a book out next week, tells of congratulating freshman Sen. Obama on a phenomenal speech. Without a hint of conceit, Mr. Obama replied, "Harry, I have a gift."
He does. We know from tradition, though, that when the gods bestow magic on mortals, the gift can also imperil its possessor.

Can you smell the new black top being the world seems to be paving the way for the entrance of the anti-christ?

Read the full article here;

Why should this be exciting to born-again believers of Jesus Christ?? Because the bible is very clear in Thessalonians that the rapture of the church will happen before the anti-christ is revealed on planet earth. So if we can smell the new close must we be to the time when we hear the trumpet announcing that our Bridegroom has finally arrived for His bride? (That's us folks!)

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