
Friday, May 1, 2009

Why the Panic?

Yesterday while sitting at a lacrosse game, the topic of swine flu came up while visiting with the gentleman sitting next to me. We were both wondering why this batch of flu bug is literally setting the world on edge and the news media into a tizzy? Afterall, doesn't the ordinary flu usually kill around 30,000 people per year? Isn't it true that the flu usually attacks the weakest among us...mainly the elderly or young who are already frail?

Having 150 people die of the flu in Mexico hardly seems to call for worldwide-global concern. I'm sure 150 kids died in bicycle accidents during the same period...and we aren't shutting down bike riding. So why is the Vice President saying we should stay off public transportation? Why is the CDC (Center for Disease Control) rolling out the map board every half hour? Is something strange going on here??

After leaving the game, I went to my men's bible study meeting and we continued the discussion. The consensus among these men was that this administration "Never wants to miss an opportunity to create a new crisis".

See what Reuters had to say about this flu bug;

A rapidly spreading flu outbreak may quickly overload a U.S. health system already straining from hospital closures, cuts in public health funding, a nursing shortage and too many uninsured patients, health experts said on Friday.
They said the threat of a flu pandemic caused by an unusual new strain of the H1N1 influenza virus has shone a bright light on what may see as a broken U.S. health system.

Did you catch that?? By screaming about how broken our health care system is and by showing how many poor folks out there have no health insurance....they can make the call that the Government HAS to do something to save us!!

Read full article here;

Something deceptive seems to be happening. I'm not saying that anyone is intentionally being deceptive, but the world just may be falling under a spell of deception as Satan gets prepared for the his last hurrah. Furthermore, this issue continues to widen the gap between the people who are looking for the Government to save them...and the people who are looking for Jesus to save them.

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