
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

North Korea Want Apology

Let's assume you have a bratty, 4 yr. old child that constantly defies you, doesn't do as he's told and screams at his parent's whenever he isn't getting enough attention? What do you think would happen if the parents "spared the rod" or even worse...they constantly gave him candy or other treats whenever he acted up? In essence, they would be encouraging his bratty behavior by giving him something he wants....even though he has been behaving inapropriately.

Now let's look again at North Korea....the bratty 4 yr. old of the world who has not done what they are told and screams for attention every chance they get. What have we done to stop that behavior? We actually sent them a whole bunch of money (candy) if they promised to quit screaming. But once the candy ran out....they started screaming for more. Now we have encouraged the beast.

North Korea has threatened a nuclear test unless the UN Security Council apologises over sanctions, which some analysts said confirms the isolated state's determination to have an atomic arsenal.

Read article here;

Did you catch that?? They want the world to apologize to them for the disciplinary action that they recieved!! And if they don't get it....they are threatening to act even worse!!

Who is left in this world who will offer them the rod?

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