
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

War is Coming

We know that the world is putting pressure on Israel. We also know that in the Last Days, the focus of the world will be on Israel. So when we see this in the headlines...we can know that something big and out of the ordinary is in the making.

Israel faces all-out war within 18 months if it does not come to terms with the Arab world and allow the establishment of a new Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, according to Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

Read full article here;

Are you serious? Can the world truly demand that Israel give up what tiny slice of land that it has? Can the world truly expect Israel to give up Jerusalem, the site of Solomon's temple and the 2nd Temple that Jesus talked about while on earth? The very place that Jesus rode into on the back of a donkey and fulfilled his role as the sacrificial passover lamb?

And long will God sit by while sinful, Godless men continue to poke and prod in His Holy land...the place that God himself called the "Apple of my eye"?

Something is coming.

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