
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amazing Things

Most of you are familiar with the author Joel Rosenberg. In his latest book, INSIDE THE REVOLUTION, (which I highly recommend) Joel first talks about the terrifying things that are happening inside radical Islam. But the book finishes with descriptions of the amazing things that are also happening inside Islam.

In 2007, he was invited to speak at a conference of 200 born-again Christian Muslims taking place at a secret location in the middle east. The new Christian leaders were from Iran, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and other Islamic countries. These guys are literally on the front line of the Satanic-spiritual battle that is currently raging on planet earth. Sadly, most of us in America are totally blind and ignorant of this battle...probably because we have fallen asleep, surrounded by the blessings and security that God has provided this country.

Check out this paragraph from page 471-472;
What made the conference particularly remarkable for me, however, was not simply learning from these dear revivalist leaders but also seeing their eagerness for Jesus Christ to return to earth and set up His Kingdom, and their hunger to understand what the Bible teaches about the end of days. All of them believed without a doubt that they were living in the last days before the return of Christ. But few of them had ever had any in-depth teaching on biblical eschatology, or end times theology. (emphasis mine)

God is doing amazing things right in the heart of Satan's territory!! These brothers simply know what Paul promised us in Thessalonians, "But you brothers, are not children of the darkness that this day (rapture) should surprise you."

So I ask again....why are most believers in America apathetic and complacent to the amazing things that God is doing? Why do most of us know the winner of American Idol but don't know the what the Word of God is saying? How much longer until God says, "Enough!"

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