
Monday, June 1, 2009

Israel Prepares for War

The enemies of Israel seem to be gathering strength. The rumors are building, and now even somewhat moderate Jordan has said that a major war in the middle east is coming if there is not a Palestinian state in the next 12-18 months. Is that a threat or just an observation? We wonder.

So today Israel is having the largest civil defense drill in it's history.

Amid growing tensions with Iran, Israel is training soldiers, emergency crews, and civilians for the possibility of all-out war.

The crisis Israel fears is a massive rocket and missile barrage on all fronts: from Iran in the East, to Syria and Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas in the North, to the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Israel's southern border in the Gaza Strip.

Read full article here;

Now please pull out your bibles and read Psalm 83 starting with verse 6; "With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you--the tents of Edom (Jordanian-palestinians living in refugee tents?) and the Ishmaelite (Arabs south of Jordan in Saudi Arabia), of Moab (Southern Jordan?) and the Hagrites, (Arabs east of Jordan River)Gebal, (Northern Lebanon) Ammon, (Now the capital of Jordan) and Amelek,(Arabs on Israeli-Egyptian border) Philistia,(Arabs in Gaza-Hamas) with the people of Tyre. (Lebanon-Hezbollah) Even Assyria (Now present day Syria and parts of Iraq) has joined them to lend strength to the descendants of Lot."

Now pull out your maps. You will quickly discover that the Psalmist has named all the people groups that currently describe the Arabs living along the border of present day Israel. Coincidence? We guess you will have to decide. We don't think it is.

Bill Sallus wrote a book called ISRAELSTINE (I highly recommend it) that spells all this out in detail. Many watchers believe that Psalm 83 may be a precursor to the War of Ezekiel spelled out in Chapter 38. By the way...none of the people groups mentioned in Psalm 83 are mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Could that be because verse 17 of Psalm 83 says, "May the ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in disgrace."

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